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April 13,2014 Songkran Festival
Welcome and Join us ‘Songkran’ Water Festival At Sumter Forest Temple (Buddhist Temple).we celebrate the Songkarn Festival. You may know it by one of its "nicknames" – Thai New Year or the Water Festival.
Sunday, April 13, 2014
10.00 am Participants are expected to get ready in the holy hall
10.09 am Chanting in Pali
10.39 am Alms-Giving Ceremony
11.09 am Lunch break, lay people offer foods to monks
12.30 am Thai dance, Thai foods
01.00 pm Dharma talk
01.30 pm Sprinkling water on the Buddha statues and Monks
02.30 pm Monks give blessing/The ceremony is over
@ 2275 Thomas Sumter Highway,Sumter, SC 29153-9514,Tel. 803-469-2494